gear up your cae for industry 4.0

additive manufacturing

design flexibility

reduce material wastage

net zero by 2050

" ... slash 45% of greenhouse gas emission by 2030."

how GEARED up are you?

Are you focussing only on the manufacturing aspect?

What about the design?

Design for additive manufacturing

topology optimization

  • weight reduction
  • material wastage
  • costs
  • performance
  • efficiency
  • product life cycle

In applied mathematics,

"Topology optimization is a mathematical technique that seeks to find the optimal distribution of material or structural layout within a design domain, subject to certain constraints, in order to maximize or minimize a specific objective function, often related to performance, cost, or efficiency."

  • democratize the state-of-the-art
  • enable more efficient engineering designs
  • made for engineers, not numĂ©ricien
  • reduce the product development time
  • reduce the design iterations



"a perfect starting point for design engineers"

  • faster computations

  • supercomputing from browser

  • scale compute resources on-demand

  • no more RAM/memory shortage

  • AMD EPYC™ series CPUs upto 480 cores

  • powered by Microsoft Azure


  • efficient parallel MPI code
  • curated on state-of-the-art libraries
  • scalable on 1000s of processes
  • perform large-scale design optimizations
  • minimal or no manual postprocessing



high-fidelity structural topology optimization cloud suite

  • Aerospace

  • Automobile

  • Mechanical

  • Architecture


high-fidelity structural topology optimization cloud suite

  • state-of-the-art MPI parallelized adaptive refinement

  • enable finer discretization with faster computations

  • reduced error in numerical approximations

  • more accurate computations, more accurate designs

  • smooth and accurate geometries, no manual postprocessing

  • enable faster large-scale designs generated with cloud HPC

  • perfect start to the AM workflow

  • Upload part model in STEP format
  • Specify support faces
  • Specify load faces with their traction loads
  • Specify non-design spaces (if any)
  • Specify material parameters
  • Specify design parameters

GE jet engine bracket


  • supports
  • loads

GE jet engine bracket

60% weight reduction

GE jet engine bracket

80% weight reduction

alcoa aircraft bracket


  • supports
  • loads

curved roof supports


  • supports
  • loads

curved roof supports


curved roof supports


entrance facade of the qatar national convention centre (qncc)

latticing/infills for purely structural parts?


high-fidelity thermo-fluid topology optimization cloud suite

custom cold plates for high heat density power electronics cooling

  • microchannel cooling

  • data center microchip cooling

  • EV power modules, battery cooling

  • high-power electronics cooling

  • forced convective air cooling

Conventional cold plate channels

Conventional cold plate channels

  • non-uniform temperature distribution/cooling

  • high pressure drop/pump energy requirements

  • low thermal performance, heat transfer

  • localized heating of power electronics

  • Select cold plate layout based on manifold/port locations

  • Specify cold plate, manifold/port dimensions

  • Specify inlet conditions - temperature, velocity

  • Specify fluid, solid region material parameters

  • Specify heat to be dissipated/heat source

  • Improved thermal performance

  • Minimized pressure drop


  • Improved life cycle of cooled electronics

work in progress

Multiphysics cloud simulation platform

curved roof supports
